19 de septiembre de 2010

Helado de Dulce de Leche according to The New York Times

Spring days are coming ahead, and with them the helado de dulce de leche pops back in our lives.

Read what The New York Times thinks of of Argentina's favourite flavours when it comes to ice cream!

Buenos Aires: National Treasure in a Cone

and let's go to your favourite ice cream parlor to grab a cucurucho filled with creamy dulce de leche!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio

17 de septiembre de 2010



Make a choice by clicking on the radio button, then compare it with the correct answer hidden under the answer button.
  1. ___ Thanksgiving, we usually eat cranberry sauce with our roasted turkey.
  2. They were reassured ___ the outcome ___ the elections.
    about, in
    by, of
  3. We always take a trip ___ the summer.
  4. She made the mistake ___ adding salt instead of sugar.
  5. He was sitting ___ his seat when the teacher entered the classroom.
  6. While ___ holiday, they vacationed ___ Australia.
    in, on
    on, in
  7. He was concerned ___ his low grade ___ the class.
    about, in
    with, on
  8. He came ___ the decision that he should study harder.
  9. He was happy ___ them when he learned ___ their success.
    for, of
    with, about
  10. He was confused ___ the correct answer to the test question.
  11. He looked ___ the countryside for signs of spring.
  12. He joined ___ his allies to win the battle.
  13. He looked ___ his friends for advice.
  14. The cook waited ___ the customers because the server left early.
  15. He waited ___ her reply until it was too late to make a decision.
(C) 1997 by Cheryl Newman-Marris

Correct or Incorrect use of preposition?

Click the answer button to see whether
the sentence is correct (c) or incorrect (i).
  1. She's a very selfish person who doesn't show any consideration for others.
  2. On our school the teachers' basic hourly rate was increased by 5%.
  3. When we said: "the time is over", the young girl glanced quickly on her watch.
  4. There's a fine of 25 cents a day at overdue library books.
  5. In the beginning of his career he had very little success.
  6. He forgot to consider the rise in the cost of living.
  7. This ticket entitles you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
  8. Why did the burden to bringing up her two brothers fall on her shoulders?
  9. When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to pay duty about an electric knife I had in my luggage.
  10. The botanist discovered some new specimens of flowers on that island.
(C) 1998 Vera Mello

10 de septiembre de 2010

Subject/Verb Agreement

Click the answer button to see the answer.
  1. The use of vitamin supplements and herbs (be) ___ becoming increasingly popular among Americans.
  2. While many studies claim that vitamins and herbs can improve health, there (be) ___ a lot of controversy about their safety.
  3. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (do) ___ not regulate vitamins and herbs.
  4. Most experts (believe) ___ that herbal supplements are mild and somewhat harmless.
  5. Still, anyone who (take) ___ too much of a vitamin or herb could suffer negative side effects.
  6. For example, some medical problems (have) ___ been linked to overuse of ephedra, an herb taken by people to lose weight.
  7. Some research (suggest) ___ that Vitamin C may help prevent cancer.
  8. People who (take) ___ more than 1,000 miligrams of vitamin C daily may experience diarrhea or kidney stones.
  9. Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" (reduce) ___ anxiety and insomnia.
  10. Using large amounts of kava kava (be) ___ not wise as muscle, eye or skin problems could result.
  11. The danger of long-term use of vitamins and herbs (be) ___ still unknown.
  12. There (be) ___ a lot of evidence that vitamin-rich foods are beneficial.
  13. However, whether the use of supplements (be) ___ helpful or not is still being debated.
  14. Most people (be) ___ able to get all the vitamins they need in the foods they eat.
  15. A daily diet that (contain) ___ foods from the 4 groups should supply all the nutrients a person needs.
  16. Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (be) ___ said to provide all the essential vitamins we require.
  17. The best way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals (be) ___ naturally, through a healthy diet.
  18. Talking to your doctor before taking supplements (be) ___ advisable.
Copyright (C) 1999 by Colleen Weldele